Courtesy Pay
Family First's Courtesy Pay Program
Family First’s Courtesy Pay programs provide overdraft protection for qualifying members whenever funds in their share draft accounts are insufficient to cover checks, debit card purchases and other payments that are attempting to clear. When an overdraft transaction is not covered under an overdraft program, the transaction may be rejected and not paid. Rejection of transactions could subject the member to merchant returned item fees and other costs. For each account Family First’s Courtesy Pay programs cover qualifying transactions up to a negative checking account balance of $500 including Courtesy Pay fees. Family First will exhaust other means of overdraft coverage, including draws from a MoneyLine or transfers from savings accounts, prior to the utilization of the Courtesy Pay programs. It is the policy of Family First to process members’ account transactions chronologically as they are received.
The credit union’s Courtesy Pay Programs are not intended to encourage members to overdraw their accounts. Courtesy Pay is a privilege for members in good standing who have a checking account with the credit union. Family First reserves the right to discontinue the Courtesy Pay programs on any or all accounts at any time without prior notice. In addition, Family First may refuse to pay any transaction that overdrafts an account at any time, even if overdrafts were previously paid. Loan delinquency and account misuse may result in loss of courtesy pay privileges. The credit union may immediately suspend a member’s Courtesy Pay privileges if abuse of the programs has been determined. The credit union may also suspend debit card privileges when the use of the Courtesy Pay programs is deemed to be detrimental to either the member or the credit union. This service is not available for youth accounts.
For qualifying members, Family First offers two types of Courtesy Pay programs: Standard and Enhanced.
Standard Program
Qualifying members are automatically enrolled in the Standard Courtesy Pay program. The Standard Courtesy Pay program pays share drafts (i.e., checks), ACHs, recurring debit card and on-line bill pay transactions when a member overdraws his/her account or when funds are not currently available in the account. A Standard Courtesy Pay fee (see current fee schedule) is charged to the account each time the standard courtesy pay feature is used. Courtesy Pay is triggered only when all other available overdraft options are depleted. The Standard Courtesy Pay program does not apply to ATM cash withdrawals or payment of Family First loans.
Enhanced Program
In addition to the Standard Courtesy Pay program, members who opt-in for the Enhanced Program may also obtain coverage for approved debit card transactions even when the member has insufficient funds available in his/her account to cover these transactions and other overdraft options are not available. Both new and existing members must opt-in to enroll in the Enhanced Courtesy Pay program. Opt-in forms are available at or at any branch location. An Enhanced Courtesy Pay fee (see current fee schedule) is charged to the account each time the enhanced courtesy pay feature is used.
Program Guidelines
The following criteria could make a member ineligible for any of the Courtesy Pay programs:
- The member previously has caused Family First a loss
- Member is not in good standing
- Member is younger than 18 years of age
- The member has a Family First loan that is 30 days or more past due
- The member’s account has been open for 90 days or less
- The member had a previous courtesy pay transaction that was not repaid within 20 days.
Family First encourages its members to keep track of the balances in their accounts and to reconcile their checkbooks regularly. Family First is not obligated to provide notification prior to payment or return of any item.
Members have the right to ‘opt-out’ of either or both of the Courtesy Pay programs at any time. Members with negative account balances are encouraged to bring their accounts positive as soon as possible. The account must be brought positive within 20 days or a Negative Balance Fee will be assessed and both types of Courtesy Pay program privileges will be suspended. If an overdraft occurs on an account that has more than one owner on the signature card, each owner shall be jointly and severally liable for all overdrafts, including any fees assessed.